miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

Alumnado que participa en Comenius durante el curso 2008/09.

We are twelve students from the school who take part in Comenius Project. We have only four boys in our project and the rest is girls. Our names are: Rafael, Marina, Cristina, Víctor, Andrea, Paula, Cristina, Estefanía, Thibaut, Nazia, Emilio and Carmen. Here in the picture you can see all of us together outside our school. We are very excited about the Comenius project. At the moment we are working on the topic about the migration in Spain during different periods of time. In March we are going to Norway to present this project to other students from different countries like Poland, the United Kingdom, Norway, etc. We are looking forward to meeting the students from those countries and sharing our project with them. We think that Comenius project is a great opportunity for us to meet new people, practise our English and find out about other cultures.

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